Howard & Sons inlaid satinwood marble top side cabinet – Exceptional quality Victorian satinwood inlaid marble top side cabinet with floral painted centre panel stamped on top of door HOWARD & SONS BERNERS ST with Numbers 15728/5113
the cabinet has a new replaced Alicante marble top , the quality parquetry inlay framed with quality gilded ormolu surrounds and beading , standing on 4 fluted satinwood legs with gilded brass feet , the cabinet is exhibition quality. circa 1870s

Howard & Sons

The firm Howard & sons was founded by John Howard in 1820 starting at the address 24 Lemon street London, as a cabinet manufacturer, he was at that address for nine years, until he
moved premises to 27 Great Alfie street, he then moved to 34 Great Alfie street in 1832 , later he opened an upholstery workshop and showroom at 36 Red lion street only for a year
until 1845 .
In 1848 after a short period of non trading John Howard moved to 22 Berners street , trading as Howard & Sons, as cabinet makers, upholsterer, and decorators, in 1853 the business expanded to 26 Berners street.
The firm had workshops at Tottenham street, Charlotte mews and Fitzroy square, in the years 1861-1889 and 1865-1868.
In 1862 Howard & Sons exhibited at the Chystal Palace exhibition, where they won a prize , which was for a suite of library furniture,this was only the second time they has exhibited.
In the year 1868 a young George Howard took out a Patent , this was for veneering walls with a wood veneer , instead of paper or paint , this method was also used for flooring,
George Howard took out another patent in 1867 on improved production of parquet flooring,
In the years following 1865, Howard & Sons were upholsterers , cabinet makers, and parquet floor manufacturers by steam power, four more patents were taken out on parquet floors and
ceilings in the years 1879 , 1880, and 1883, another patent was taken out in 1866 for the Elastic seat , which was a superior seat and the famous chairs they are now known for.
The company moved to 25-27 Berners street and their workshops were at Cleveland works , Cleveland street in the year 1869, they stayed at these addresses until 1935,
Howard & Sons were to exhibit at 1878 international exhibition, and 1894 Antwerp exhibition, and won silver and gold medals at the 1900 Paris exhibition.
Howard & Sons ceased trading in 1947

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